What is skin psoriasis? The main methods of preventing psoriasis. Effective methods to get rid of psoriasis.
26 November 2021
Why does psoriasis appear and what should be the effective treatment? Let's find out in more detail
2 April 2021
How to treat psoriasis at an early stage and prevent the development of the disease? Initially, psoriasis can be cured, but you need to see a doctor.
2 April 2021
In dermatology, there are three main stages of psoriasis: progressive, stationary and regressive, on which the manifestations of the disease and the treatment plan depend.
1 April 2021
What is psoriasis? The image and manifestations of psoriasis, possible causes. How to behave, what diet to follow with psoriasis. Photo of outbreaks of psoriasis, treatment.
31 March 2021